The Marist School > Admissions Documents

Welcome to The Marist New Joiner Page

This webpage is your point of information for everything related to joining The Marist. Here, you’ll find all the information you need to navigate the transition process smoothly, from student record forms, school policies, and useful information. Please do read all the information below and complete all the necessary forms as soon as possible.

If you have any questions after reviewing the information, please don’t hesitate to contact our admissions office at We’re here to help!

To Do:

To keep track of the tasks you need to complete please feel free to print this checklist: New Joiner Tick List

Information Documents:

The handbooks are designed to serve as your comprehensive guide to the day-to-day life of our school. Use this as a reference tool to find essential details about specific topics, such as communication, the curriculum and other useful information, as well as our uniform guide and kit list, ensuring a smooth transition into our school community.

Parent Handbooks

Parent Handbook 2024-2025 Prep


Nursery Additional Information


Parent Handbook 2024-2025 Senior



Laptop Letter

You will find all the information you require about our laptop scheme here:

Easy4U Letter to Parents

Easy4u Laptop Flyer



Transition Reading List (Year 7)

Take a look at some book suggestions from Mrs Camp, our Senior School Librarian and LRC Manager for children joining Year 7.

Transition Reading List



LAMDA & Music Letter (Prep & Senior)

Introductory LAMDA letter 2024

The Music Department Prep Private Lessons 2025

The Music Department Senior Private Lessons 2025




Marist Friends

On behalf of the Marist Friends, welcome to the community! We are a group of volunteer parents dedicated to raising funds to enhance your child’s experience during their time at the school.

Some of our recent donations have included the purchasing of a new lighting system for the drama department in Bligh Hall, camera equipment for the photography department, ice cream vans at sports day, Christmas gifts for all pupils, percussion instrument for the music department, the new sports pavilion and lots more.

We are only able to do this with your help, we organise various fundraising events throughout the year, and also run the very popular pre-loved uniform shop (watch the weekly E-Bulletin for opening dates and times). We are always looking for extra help from fellow parents, either as part of the committee or in a less formal role, perhaps helping out at the Christmas fair, or outdoor cinema evening.

If you would like to volunteer or learn more about what the Marist Friends do, please feel free to email us at or complete this form.

We look forward to hearing from you and welcoming you to the school.

Best wishes,

The Marist Friends



Coach Route Information

Please find below the link to the coach routes page on our website. All routes are run independently by Ambassador – Line Southern Ltd. Travel bookings and payments are made directly with Ambassador.

The Marist School Coach Routes

If you would like further details, to register for the bus service or to be added to the ‘interested’ list for the future please contact Ambassador on: 01276 600362 or



Term Dates:

Please click here to see our term dates.



Digital Strategy Policy

The following policy outlines the schools digital policy, including the Device Policy, Acceptable Use, Artificial Intelligence, and Cyber Attack policies.

Digital Policy

Please note: You will need to sign the Digital Policy to agree to the terms, a copy of the signature page can be found in the next section which you will sign digitally and return via email. 



Parental Agreement Form

Senior parents and students will need to read the following Parent Agreement. You will sign to confirm you agree to follow the principles provided, the document to sign is provided in the next section. 

Parental Agreement


Policies to be Signed:

You will need to digitally sign the following forms. If you struggle to complete them digitally please feel free to print these and return them to us on paper, or scan and return via email. 

Video Demonstration on how to sign the forms digitally.


Once you have signed both forms please email completed copies to admissions at with the subject line “Admissions Policy Documents”.

Parental Agreement for Digital Signing

Digital Policy 2024 – Page for Digital Signing


Student Record Form

Please complete and submit this form. The form requires a range of information to be entered so we would suggest you gather these before completing the form:

  • Parent and student information: Phone number, address
  • Emergency Contact Information: We need information for 2 people who can be contacted in an emergency
  • Nationality and Residency Information: Including the students passport details and right of residency
  • Medical Information: Name of doctor or surgery, date of last immunisation for tetanus, names of medical conditions or medical treatments, dietary information including allergies.