
The Marist School > Nursery

Nursery Ages 2-4

Emily Slatter, Nursery Teacher

Emily Slatter, Nursery Teacher

Welcome to our Early Years pages. We are a happy, friendly, and welcoming introduction to your child’s school life. We believe that a happy child is a successful child, and that your child’s first step into education is unique. Their experiences here will impact the rest of their academic life, therefore it is important to us that we foster a love of learning, develop a positive self-image, and nurture an enquiring mind.

I would love for you to come and see our setting for yourself!

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Our broad, balanced curriculum is based on the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).

Children learn best outdoors where they can run freely. Our children have continuous access to our beautiful outdoor setting which offers rich learning experiences ranging from ‘cooking’ in the mud kitchen, to hiding in the willow house, and building dens in the forest.

We are very much a family school, and, as the youngest in the family, we love the shared assemblies and activities alongside the older children. We also benefit from dedicated lessons led by specialist teachers in the Senior Phase of the school. Most of the girls who start in the Nursery continue their learning into the Prep Phase before moving up into the Senior and VI Form Phases. It is a pleasure to watch them grow, knowing that their roots were firmly planted in our Nursery class.