VI Form
VI Form
We are an outward-looking VI Form, with our sights firmly focused on creating young adults ready to take on the challenges of the 21st century world. Whilst we are proud to say that our A Level results are consistently in the top 1% of schools nationally, our innovative VI Form identity goes further to equip students with the necessary skills to be ambitious, innovative, and self-aware future leaders.
Our education programme consists of three strands: Academic Rigour, Employability and Leadership Skills, and Life Balance. Our VI Form team understands the importance of a balanced approach for students and we are on hand to help you achieve your goals. We have the expertise to guide you no matter what you want to be and where you want to go; our VI Form really is the launchpad for life beyond school.
I highly recommend coming to meet our current VI Form students, exploring our site, and speaking to the incredible staff here at The Marist.
I hope to meet you soon!
To find out more about our ambitious VI Form, please see our VI Form guide below: