Advancing to VI Form

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Advancing to VI Form

The transition from Senior to VI Form is a significant one; a shift away from compulsory education as a pupil, and into student life as a young adult. Click here for information on the admission timeline for entry into The Marist VI Form.

Towards the end of Year 10 we gently introduce students to the future we offer; they get to explore the VI Form area and hear about the route through further to higher education. At the start of Year 11, students have an opportunity to discuss options one-to-one with senior members of staff who can advise them about A Level subjects and discuss career aspirations. These conversations continue throughout the term, with form tutors offering guidance to allow students both to aim high and make informed, realistic, and appropriate choices.

Before October half term, Year 10 & 11 pupils, along with students from other local senior schools and their parents, are invited to attend our VI Form Information Evening. Families can speak to each subject teacher and current A Level students about courses to gain an insight into The Marist VI Form. During October, Year 11 students get a chance to sample VI Form life as they spend a day in the life of a VI Form student, trialling a range of lessons. It’s a great opportunity to get a feeling for some of the subjects offered only at A Level, like Psychology and Economics.


Our Year 11 Transition Programme provides all students a realistic experience of what work will be like in the VI Form and is designed to support the step-up to VI Form. Not only will all students gain more knowledge and understanding of their subjects, they will also improve their independent study skills which will be vital for future success in Further and Higher Education. All students will be completing a unit of work in the subjects they are likely to be studying next year.