The Marist School > Nursery & Pre-Prep > Progression to Reception & Year 1

Progression to Reception & Year 1

Transitions in Pre-Prep

The transition between the Nursery and Pre-Prep classes is a smooth process. The children have many opportunities to meet with the staff and interactions with the children from both classes happen on a daily basis. When children move into the next class, there are opportunities to participate in several taster sessions before they start. The transition from Reception to Year One is a continuation of this process. Parents from Nursery and Pre-Prep are invited to attend a Transition Information Evening in the Summer/Autumn Terms, which provide further information on the transition process.


Transition from home or other nurseries

The transition from home into school, or from other settings, is a process where the children and parents are fully supported by all team members. Parents and new pupils starting in Nursery and Pre-Prep are invited to a Taster Morning the term before they start. Further taster sessions are offered to new children, to enable them to become familiar with the environment and we speak to your child’s old Nursery and invite parents in to school to help make strong connections and relationships.

On the first day, arrangements are made to contact new parents to reassure them their child has settled.

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