Scholarships & Bursaries

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Scholarships & Bursaries

Scholarships at the Prep

The Marist School offers academic scholarships to Year 5 pupils which are tenable to the end of Year 6 (both internal and external candidates are eligible). Scholarships are awarded based upon the outcome of assessment tests.


Scholarships for Year 7 Entry

  • Academic Scholarships are available for entry into Year 7 and are awarded based on academic excellence in the entrance assessment and interview.
  • Candidates must be aged 11 on or before 31 August prior to entering Year 7.

We also offer subject scholarships in:

  • Art
  • Drama
  • Music
  • Sport


All-Rounder Scholarships

All-Rounder Scholarships are also available and pupils will automatically be considered for this if they have entered for two or more Scholarships and perform well in the entrance assessment.


Marist Pupil Scholarship

For Marist Prep pupils only. This is for a pupil that exemplifies the values of The Marist School. Application is a letter from the pupil to Mrs Smith.

Pupils who are awarded scholarships are expected to complete their education at The Marist. If scholarships are not awarded in any year, this will be due to candidates not meeting in full the required standards. Trustees reserve the right not to award scholarships in a particular year where this is the case.

Scholarship applications must be returned to the Admissions Office at the end of the Autumn term and forms must be accompanied by a letter of recommendation from the subject teacher/coach/tutor. Scholarships are offered on a competitive basis.

We welcome all eligible applicants to apply. Scholarships are subject to an annual review.


Year 7 Scholarship Information

We have high standards and our scholarships are held in high regard.

Completion of an art portfolio consisting of at least 10 pieces of mixed medium along with a passion for art and interest in art outside of school.

Candidate(s) should be able to demonstrate a love of Drama and may also attend drama/theatre outside of school. A student not studying LAMDA will not be disadvantaged.

Candidates applying for a Music Scholarship are required to be playing their instrument / singing at a Grade 3 or higher and have a good knowledge of music theory.

Candidates are required to be regularly participating in any of the following sports at club level outside of school: swimming, netball, football, hockey, or athletics.


VI Form Scholarships

The Marist offers Scholarships for entry to Year 12 to recognise and reward excellence.

We offer Scholarships for Academic, Art, Drama, Music and Sport. For all Year 12 Scholarships, students must write a letter addressed to the Head of Department, explaining why, in their own words, they should be considered for the Scholarship.


Please refer to the below Scholarship Booklet for more information:

Scholarships 2023-2024

Please contact our Admissions team if you have any questions about our Scholarship process.



Bursaries are provided to assist children who would benefit significantly from an education at The Marist and whose parents could not otherwise afford to send them. Bursaries are means tested and parental assets and income are assessed and reviewed on an annual basis.


Bursaries fall into two categories:

Hardship Bursary
This fund is for existing pupils where a change in parental circumstances has resulted in difficulty meeting the tuition fees. They are awarded on a temporary basis.

Entrance Bursary
An Entrance Bursary is available for new entrants to the school at 11+ and 16+ who are registered for entry.


How to apply for a Bursary

In the first instance, please contact the Bursar via email by clicking here to discuss suitability.